Each 5 ml contain – Ferrous Ascorbate 30 mg , Folic Acid – 550 mcg & Zinc Sulphate 22.5 mg Suspension


COMPOSITION: Each 5 ml contain – Ferrous Ascorbate 30 mg , Folic Acid – 550 mcg & Zinc Sulphate 22.5 mg Suspension
MRP: 120


Ferrous is the scientific name of the Iron which is denoted by the Fe symbol. It is a very important nutritional supplement that our body requires and deficiency of this Iron cause the problem like animea. This medical condition occurs because there is a lack of the RBC (Red Blood Cell). And this kind of condition creates weakness in the body and you feel tired.

This Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc Sulphate Suspension Syrup help in enhancing the RBC by prodiving the Fe elements in the blood. This medication comes in syrup form which is why children can easily take this syrup Generally after giving birth to a child the woman faces a deficiency of blood and in that condition, this syrup could be very helpful. Sometimes the body has iron or you eat iron source still your body does not absorb this Iron. This syrup helps increase the absorption of iron in the blood.

Mechanisms of Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc Sulphate Suspension Syrup

This syrup is made up of three different compositions which are Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc Sulphate. And these three perform different sets of mechanisms in fulfilling the requirement of iron supplements in the body. Before getting therapeutic effects from this syrup you must administrate this syrup in your body and the right way of administering this drug is oral. That is why this medicine must be taken through the mouth. After that, these compositions show these mechanisms which are mentioned below.

Ferrous Ascorbate: This is one of the compositions for this syrup and this has two very main sources that our body needs One is Iron (Fe) the ferrous part is Irom and the ascorbate is the source of vitamin C. The Ferrous part helps in providing the sufficient amount of daily needs of Iron to the body and Vitamin C helps in increasing the absorption of this Iron.

Folic Acid: Folic Acid is a very important source of vitamin B and this vitamin helps in breaking down food which is integrated with Iron into its simpler form so that it can be digested easily in the body.

Zinc Sulphate: This one is the last composition from this syrup and it helps in providing this Zn (Zinc) supplement which our body needs daily.

Benefits of Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc Sulphate Suspension Syrup

If you are suffering from anemia or if any woman has given birth to a child recently or if there is the case of any medical condition in your body that is unable to absorb Iron then you can use this Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid and Zinc Sulphate Suspension Syrup. This syrup provides the necessary amount of Iron supplement to the body. These are some medical benefits of this syrup.

  1. It treats the anemia.

  2. It provides necessary supplements like Iron and Zinc to the body.

  3. It helps in digesting complex food compounds.

  4. It helps in increasing the absorption of Iron in the RBC.

Side effects of Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc Sulphate Suspension Syrup

You prefer to eat what you like and if such eatables do not involve the eatable which is the source of the Iron then your body adopts such kind of habits. Now if you provide a sudden supplement of iron then the body takes time to adopt such supplements until then it suffers from some side effects. That is why you should start this medication only after the prescription is provided by the doctor. These are some side effects of Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc Sulphate Suspension Syrup which you feel until your body adopts this syrup.

  • Stomach upset, constipation, and diarrhea

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Dark colored stool