Magaldrate +Simethicone (MANGO FLAVOUR) Syrup


COMPOSITION: Magaldrate +Simethicone (MANGO FLAVOUR)
MRP: 68



Magaldrate and Simethicone salt are used in the treatment of excessive acid formation in the stomach. The aid belongs to the class of antacids & anti-ulcers which are known to primarily treat indigestion, acidity, gas bloating, and heartburn. The formation of acid causes an eruption in the stomach’s lining called a mucous layer. The time it gets eroded, complication like bloating, acidity, inflammation in the stomach, and heartburn is usually felt. 

Magaldrate and Simethicone medicine is made using two different salts. Magaldrate is an antacid that helps in treating the reduction of acid in the stomach and on the other hand, Simethicone is an anti-flatulent that decreases the gas bubble occurrence. The intake of the syrups provides relief by causing flatus and even burping too. The overall benefits of the medicines are that it prevents the formation of gas bubbles and promotes better digestive issues.

There are some precautions with the use of Magaldrate and Simethicone salt syrup. The management of precautions will offer the cure for the excessive digestive issue and thereby promote better health of the stomach’s protecting layers called mucous. Try to intake food that is lighter in digesting and beneficial in promoting better digestion. The medicines is helpful in providing the benefit but only when it is taken under the guidance of a health expert. There are some side effects of the medicine too that may cause the issues such as loose stools, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, heavy breathing, etc. Kindly consult the doctor before the consumption of medicines. The syrup is only for external use.

Uses of Magaldrate and Simethicone Salt 

The beneficial use of the salts is mentioned below. The medicine is used in the treatment of digestive issues hence it is to be taken only under the doctor’s supervision.

  • This is an antacid that reduces the amount of acid formation.
  • The properties of anti-ulcer in the medicine reduce the chances of the formation of ulcers.
  • Lowers the formation of bubbles in the stomach.
  • Helps in the release of gas through flatulence and burping.
  • Protects the stomach lining.
  • Reduces inflammation, thereby protecting against heartburning.

Precautions with Magaldrate and Simethicone Salt

The required precaution with the use of this mango-flavored syrup is mentioned below. This will protect against the generation of side effects.

  • Stop the consumption of alcohol.
  • Limit the quantity of heavy food.
  • Consume the syrup in a limited quantity.
  • Avoid the intake of medicines with a combination of reactive drugs.
  • Do not use an excessive quantity of syrup.
  • Take the recommendation from the doctor before consuming the medicine.
  • This syrup is not beneficial for pregnant women.

Side Effects of Magaldrate and Simethicone Salt

There are some side effects of the medicine that can be faced by the person using the aid regularly.

  • Nausea is a common side effect of the syrup.
  • Loose stools can be faced by the person.
  • Flatulence can occur commonly.
  • Excessive burping.

Storage- Keep the Magaldrate and Simethicone salt syrup stored in a cool and dry place with no contact with sunlight.

Note- The Magaldrate and Simethicone salt syrup is only for external use.